Our Church building is home to a variety of church and community led groups and organisations including Little Sheep Preschool, Toddlers, Girlguiding and Scouting, and activities for older folk.
Details of all our groups are listed below with contact information. If you require any further information which is not listed or you are interesting in using our premises as a venue for a group, please contact Philippa Powell (Church Liaison) on 07853207621 / staplehillmethodist@hotmail.co.uk
Youth Activities and Church Groups
Sunday Club - Sundays at 10.30 am during morning worship - Contact: Philippa Powell 01179373988
Toddler Group - Every Tuesday, 10 am (term time) - £3 for 1 child and 1 adult, 50p for additional children
Little Sheep Preschool - Every week day, 9.30 am (term time)
Wednesday Fellowship Group - Every third Wednesday at 2.15 pm in church vestibule
Book Group - Every first Thursday of the month at 10 - 11 am - Contact: David Weeks 01179109063
Craft and Chat - Every other Tuesday starting 23rd April at 1 - 3 pm in the vestibule - Contact: Annie Tarling
Church Choir - Perform during key service through the year including Harvest and Christmas. Contact: John Edwards
Uniformed Groups
Scouts (74th Kingswood) - Friday evenings term time
For more information, please go to the Scouting website​ or use the contacts below
Beavers - Contact: Chris Bryant 07863202833 / cdabryant@hotmail.com
Cubs - Contact: Kate Sheppard
Scouts - Contact: Ali Cox 07963287295
Girlguiding (4th and 10th Kingwood) - Tuesday and Wednesday evenings term time, see below for details
For more information, please go to the Guiding website or use the contacts below.
Rainbows - Tuesdays - Contact: Verna Mason 01179702300 / verna.mason@blueyonder.co.uk
Rainbows - Wednesdays - Contact: Vicki Rowe 07808034614 / rainbows_10thkingswood@hotmail.com
Brownies - Tuesdays - Contact: Debbie Bowden debnpaul4@gmail.com
Brownies - Wednesdays - Contact: Vicki Rowe 07808034614 / brownies_10thkingswood@hotmail.com
Guides - Wednesdays - Contact: Karen Martin 01179561134 / 4thkingswoodguides@gmail.com
Rangers - Wednesday evenings - Contact: Vicki Rowe 07808034614 / rangers_4thkingswood@hotmail.com
Other Groups and Activities
Keep Fit - Every Monday, 9.45 am - 11 am - Contact: Ross Thomas 01174622596 / ros2506@msn.com
Friendship Club - Every Thursday, 9.15 am and 11 am - Contact: Spencer Davies 07825155954 / spencer@sporting chance-csp.co.uk
RNLI - Meet for their AGM - Contact: Pat Buck 01173050870
Repair Café - Every third Saturday, 10 am - 12 pm - Bring along any household items and we'll try to repair it for you.
South Gloucestershire Community Learning Hub - The Council provides accessible and high quality learning opportunities for eligible adults to improve their skills and qualifications. Go to the website for more information.

Toddler Group



